


EROGEShare エロゲーダウンロード情報


This is a pseudo-3D dungeon/animation RPG. Explore the dungeons and acquire maps with these beautiful warriors and grow stronger. [DLsiteより]
Dungeon of Erotic Master Plus

DLsite価格:1,870円 (2024/11/28時点) DLsiteで購入

サークル名:Tensei Games
シナリオ:Rushimaru Oshima
イラスト:Rushimaru Oshima
声優:Hiiro Mamiya
作品形式:ロールプレイング / 音声あり / 音楽あり 
対応言語:中国語(簡体字) / 中国語(繁体字) / 英語 
ジャンル:誘い受け / ファンタジー / アヘ顔 / 淫乱 / 異種えっち 




Dungeon of Erotic Master Plus


Dungeon of Erotic Master Plus


Dungeon of Erotic Master Plus


Dungeon of Erotic Master Plus


Dungeon of Erotic Master Plus


Dungeon of Erotic Master Plus


Dungeon of Erotic Master Plus


Dungeon of Erotic Master Plus



They're back!
The girls hailed as the Erotic Masters after solving the mystery behind the world's toughest dungeon are now living legends!
But behind the accolades and fame, they blew all their money and ended up deep in debt.

Sometime later, after they finally paid off their debts, a blacksmith's daughter named Hermetia came to visit them.
She had been randomly selected to be allowed to explore a newly discovered dungeon, but it was too difficult for a novice.

That's when she came to the DunEro Masters with a proposal:
Will they explore the dungeon with her?

Explore the dungeons and acquire maps with these beautiful warriors.
Grow stronger in battle alongside all-new girls.
Gain lots of experience and face powerful enemies!
It's time to set off on your adventure!
Preferred Weapons: Swords, longswords, greatswords
Martina is the main character of this game.
An energetic and ambitious girl who spends her days running around in the wilderness.
While she is an adult, her youthful appearance makes some people treat her like a child which annoys her.
She grew up without a mother and sees her entire village as her family.
Her master, Morissimo, is over 60 years old while the village chief San is even older.
Alt-hough Martina's lifespan is longer than a normal human, she refuses to discuss her age.
The Fire Tribe seemingly has a few secrets, and those will be uncovered throughout this story.

Preferred Weapons: Hammers, clubs
A blacksmith from the first DunEro series.
To become a master craftswoman, she needs ex-perience as an adventurer!
A cocky muscle girl who occasionally displays a shyer, more tim-id side.
After finding what looks like a bike helmet with a symbol in an ancient ruin, she has spent every day attaching armor to it and enhancing it in the smith.
Her muscles and stamina make her as powerful an attacker as Donelia
and a reliable ally in battle.

Preferred Weapons: Swords, shortswords
With her powerful arms, she acts as a bodyguard to her allies and is the one to deal with unruly clients.
She's one of the three who earned the name "Dungeon of Erotic Masters" after she and her party conquered the toughest dungeon in Calondal.
This rumor started spreading after she got into a fight with a mercenary and won one day.
She was discovered by King Morgaia and joined the Royal Knights, but she has since left them and now spends her days as a dungeon-crawling adventurer.

Preferred Weapons: Staves, spell books
A prodigy who was orphaned and lived as a nomad as a child.
She was feared by her com-panions for her vast magical power.
Parted from her long-lost sister, she stops by a bar out of loneliness where she meets Marianne.
She has a twin sister.
While traveling in search of information about their birth and why they were orphaned, they passed through the Magical Kingdom of Tychlluina where her sis-ter became one of the Royal Mages.

Preferred Weapons: Greatswords, lances, battleaxes, clubs
An orphan brought up in a gladiator arena.
She fought other children and was denied meals for every loss.
Never receiving a proper education, she grew into a fierce fighter who'd do anything to win, turning her into an undefeatable warrior.
During that time, she gained a certain degree of cultural knowledge as well as an improved salary, but the darkness in her heart remained.
One day, Mercenary King Morgaia sent two powerful but inexperienced Royal Knights to fight Donelia, but she defeated them.
That's how the Mercenary King came to ask Donelia to join the knights.









